Izabella (Izzy) Tyszler

 Board of Directors

We are excited to welcome Izabella (Izzy) Tyszler to the NDF Board of Directors.

Izzy is focused on profoundly impacting the lives of patients with rare diseases and their families – each day. Much of Izzy’s career has been in the rare disease space, and she’s developed a unique appreciation for the challenges of engaging small communities, understanding their needs, and providing tailored-made solutions and resources that deliver high value to those we serve. Izzy’s is a proven business leader who has successfully brought over nine products in a range of rare genetic disorders, including Huntington’s Disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a rare form of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (HoFH), and the first gene replacement therapy for a pediatric indication in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).

Izzy not only brings a wealth of rare disease commercial experience, she has also expertise in developing/managing global co-promotional alliances in both pre-launch and launch preparations. Great knowledge and strong leadership skills in understanding the start-up environment and how to transform an organization from clinical development to commercialization.

Izzy was recognized as the 2021 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) Rising Star for her dedication, service, and leadership in healthcare. Additionally, named 2021 PMS360 Elite 100 and features as Launch Expert in the rare disease space.

 “The rare disease families and community inspire me daily to do my best to help share their voice and help other families. There is so much to do but doing it as a team by helping one family at a time—we can get there.”