Shawn Arianpour

Board of Directors

Shawn Arianpour was born in Tehran, Iran and at the age of six we immigrated to the states, with a quick nine month stop in Vienna. I grew up in Beverly Hills and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else in the world. I have always been passionate about living life as if it were my last day!

I was fortunate enough to grow up with loving parents and a father who always supported all of my ambitious endeavors, irrelevant of their success. Then one day, I decided, I want to launch my own beverage company. One very similar to Sparkletts and Arrowhead Water Delivery services. Not knowing anything about the industry, I convinced my father to lend me the money I needed to start.  Twelve years later, I own and operate one of the most prominent contract beverage manufacturing facilities in the united states, employing nearly twelve-hundred people with facilities across the country.

I live a very fortunate life. But there is no sense of accomplishment quite like the one you feel when you have been a part of a group or organization who’s mission is to give back to those in need. NDF’s mission is a very unique and special one. I joined the team as an Ambassador over ten years ago, at its inception. And since then, I have fallen in love with the idea that I could contribute in the slightest way to the eradication of a devastating disease!